Charlotte Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain: Accidental Time
Travelers in Versailles?
While visiting the Petit Trianon in 1901, two scholarly
women came face to face with visions they could not explain.
In August 1901, two scholarly women from England’s St.
Hugh’s College, Charlotte Anne Moberly (left) and Eleanor Jourdain (right),
boarded a train for Versailles. In the days prior, they had spent time
sightseeing around Paris, to which they were both relatively unfamiliar.
Neither was well-versed in French history. The little they knew came from
historical novels and the schoolhouse lessons of their youth. Moberly had read
the first volume of Justin H. McCarthy’s tome The French Revolution, which gave
her a slight academic advantage over Jourdain, but did little to garner any
real enthusiasm for the trip to Versailles. In truth, both women expected a
dull and uneventful outing.
After an eternity of walking, Moberly and Jourdain found
themselves at the Grand Trianon, only to
find it closed to the public. It was then
that strange visions came into view—visions of a century long since past.
They passed a wide green drive to the next path, where
Jourdain immediately noticed a woman
shaking a white cloth out of an upstairs
window—seemingly, in slow motion. Walking further, they noticed two men standing in the distance. Initially thinking
the men were gardeners given their
wheelbarrow and pointed spade, Moberly and Jourdain were dumbfounded by the manner in which they were
dressed—in long, grey-green coats with
tri-cornered hats. Nevertheless, the men directed the women to continue straight ahead.
Jourdain then noticed a cottage with a woman and girl
standing in the doorway. Both the woman
and the girl wore a white kerchief tucked into a bodice; the girl’s dress was down to her
ankles and she wore a white cap.
Jourdain described it as a “tableau vivant,” similar to a pair of wax figures rather than human beings.
Suddenly, Moberly was engulfed by
extreme depression, which deepened with every step.
At once they came upon a small wooded area with a circular
garden kiosk.
A man was sitting there; he was wearing a cloak and a large
shady hat. The grass was lifeless and
covered with dead leaves. The area
looked flat and unnatural with no light, shade, or shadows; there was
no wind in the trees.
The man turned and looked at the two women and Moberly felt
genuine alarm. His face was repulsive
and dark with smallpox scars; his
expression was hateful. Both women were frozen in place until
becoming startled by the sudden approach
of another man. He was tall and handsome
with dark eyes, and wore a broad that hid all but a few strands of
his curly dark hair. The man muttered a
few words in rapid French, smiled, and
persuaded Moberly and Jourdain to proceed to the right, which they did by passing over a small bridge.
Moberly and Jourdain did not speak of their experience until
a week later. After writing separate
versions of what they encountered and
comparing notes, they visited the Trianon gardens again but could
not retrace their original path.
Specific landmarks, notably the kiosk and
the bridge, were missing. Research led them to believe that the
Trianon was haunted, and that the lady
in the royal dress was the ghost of Marie
Antoinette. Ironically, Jourdain had not seen the lady, and Moberly had not seen the cottage with the woman and girl
standing in the doorway. However, both had
seen the scowling man with the marked face; they determined him to be Joseph Hyacinthe
François de Paule de Rigaud (the Comte
de Vaudreuil), a nobleman at the court of King Louis XVI.
They published the story of their trip to Versailles (An
Adventure) in 1911 under the pseudonyms
Elizabeth Morison and Frances Lamont. A
whirlwind of excitement and skepticism followed. Critics found the
tale to be improbable and ventured that
Moberly and Jourdain had simply
misinterpreted common events for paranormal activity.
Parapsychological discussions of the “Moberly-Jourdain
Incident” have suggested that the women
experienced a time-slip or some form of
retrocognition. Still, both women maintained the authenticity of
what they had seen until the day they
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