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Beleth the terrible king of hell

The ticket is a great and terrible king, riding on a dim pillar, before which the trumpets blossom, and all sorts of melodious music. When he is called by an exorcist, he looks fierce and furious to deceive him. Then let the exorcist or conjuror take into account for himself and to show his courage, let him hold a bad stick in his hand, where he must reach east and south and make a triangle without the circle but if he does not get his hand on him and he orders him to enter, and he still does not accept the bond or the chain of souls let the reader read, and from him and he will present himself and enter, and do whatever exorcist he commands, and he will be safe. If King Beleth will be more bizarre and will not enter the circle in the first call, and the conjuror appears cowardly or if he has no chain of souls, certainly he will never feel or even see it after. Also, if the place where it can not be done for a triangle has been made without the circle, then place there a bottle of wine and the exorcist will know when he comes out of his house, along with his companions, and that the accused Beleth will be his helper, his friend, and obedient to him when he begins to emerge. And when he comes, let the exorcist come and praise him with pride therefore, he will worship him as other kings, for he utters nothing without other princes.

Also, if he is quoted by an exorcist, a silver arm of the middle finger of his left hand should be held in front of the exorcist's face, just like those of the Amaimon. And the dominion and power of such a great prince should not be expected for there is no one under the power and dominion of the consoler, but the one who kills the men and women with bitter love, until the cruelty has had his delight. He is on the orders of powers, hoping to return to the seventh throne, which is not entirely trustworthy and he rules eighty-five legions. Pseudomonarchia daemonum - Johann Wier (1583)


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